Category Archives: Los Angeles Times

The L.A. Times Misses Robert Scheer

I can’t stand Scheer’s politics but his left-wing replacements on the L.A. Times Op/Ed page rarely pack his punch. He’s a good funny writer who’s yet to be adequately replaced at the Times. I know Cathy Seipp’s rolling over in … Continue reading

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Where’s Beckham?

David Beckham scores his first goal for the L.A. Galaxy tonight. He also gets an assist and a yellow card. It’s exciting to be a Los Angeleno. The story is at the top of the Drudge Report. I go to … Continue reading

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Stayin’ Alive

From today’s L.A. Times: "An article in the July 29 Opinion section on the referee gambling scandal stated that New York Post sportswriter Maury Allen had passed away. The 75-year-old is alive."

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Reporting Shades Of Truth

From How should media organizations deal with assertions by public figures that they know or strongly suspect to be deceptive? All this week, blogger Luke Ford and KTLA reporter Eric Spillman debate ethics, credibility and high-profile snafus in the … Continue reading

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My Last Two Topics For The L.A. Times

Thursday: How should media organizations deal with assertions by public figures that they know or strongly suspect to be deceptive? Friday: What story has been most screwed up by the mainstream media in the last ten years? What’s been most … Continue reading

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