Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Is The World’s Most Prolific Writer Of Torah Publications A Plagiarist?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: The following page comes from R. Yehiel Michel Stern’s Ha-Torah ha-Temimah on the Book of Joshua, p. 84 no. 3, which appeared in 2009. As you can see, Stern’s comment is lifted word for word … Continue reading

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Don’t Pick Your Nose In Public

I find it disconcerting how many of the elementary courtesies are ignored by many in Orthodox Judaism. For instance, picking your nose in public. It’s widespread among my Orthodox friends. Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: …R. Eliezer Melamed – who … Continue reading

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Do you think Orthodox Jews in America are more likely to be honest in business than the average Jew?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro replies to my email: “Absolutely no.”

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Evidence For God’s Existence

In his third lecture on R. Meir Simcha of Dvinsk for Torah in Motion, historian Marc B. Shapiro says: The best proof for me of the truth of Torah it is not at all intellectual. It’s the feeling of a … Continue reading

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You cannot be a Lubavitcher and be a Zionist

In his second lecture on R. Shlomo Yosef Zevin for Torah in Motion, historian Marc B. Shapiro says: You cannot be a Lubavitcher and be a Zionist. Lubavitch was always opposed to Zionism. Practically, you can support the state. When … Continue reading

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