Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Suspicion Of Converts

I was reading some commentary on the Torah portion of Pinchas and the commentators such as Rashi say that Pinchas was assailed by his peers for descending from a convert (Yitro) and therefore his actions came out of self-seeking impure … Continue reading

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When Did You Last Hear A Rabbi Berate His Congregation?

I’ve never heard a rabbi berate his congregation. I know it happened in the past but it is rare these days. Marc Shapiro replies to my question: “[It is] not very common today, but in traditional societies it certainly happened. … Continue reading

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Is It Ok To Touch Women For Healing Purposes?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: There is currently a situation in London where a leading rabbi is charged with inappropriate contact with women. This rabbi denies the charges. However, he has admitted, so I am informed, that he did touch … Continue reading

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Rabbi Prof. Marc Shapiro on the need for Kashrut Organizations

Date: 11/11/2003 8:02:00 AM Subject: Clarification Message: I have noticed that many people don’t understand the basic shitah of this website. With your permission, let me clarify something. Rav Henkin, who together with R. Moshe Feinstein was the leading halakhic … Continue reading

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Rabbis Talk Differently To Other Rabbis

In his fourth lecture on Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: Wikipedia has everything you need. In the rabbinic world, you don’t have book reviews [like what Rav Zevin did in Sofrim U’Sefarim]. It’s not part … Continue reading

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