Category Archives: Shalhevet

Shalhevet Selects New Head Of School

Say sources: I heard Shalhevet announced the result of their head of school search by coming full circle to Steven Bailey, Ph.D. I don’t care how they try to spin it; they couldn’t get anyone good to come into that … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Budget Blowout

This year’s budget deficit was supposed to run to $1.5 million (with $500,000 covered by Roland Arnall and the other million covered by fundraising) but the figure is closer to $3 million (in part because of the small numbers in … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Searches For Its Leader

Shalhevet, the most left-wing Orthodox day school in Los Angeles, is looking for a new leader. The founder and current head of the school, Jerry Friedman, is supposed to step down after this school year. The search committee consists of … Continue reading

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Another Big Funder Winds Up Shalhevet Contributions

Sandor Samuels of Countrywide curtailed his giving to Shalhevet in the Spring. Samuels was Shalhevet’s second (?) biggest funder after billionaire Roland Arnall. Like his boss at Countrywide, Sandor also dumped a bunch of shares before his company went south.

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The Hidden Lives Of Registrars

Joe responds: At most schools, the registrar doesn’t have final authority; the registrar may make recommendations, but ultimately it is up to the head of the school. I am surprised by the suggestion that Shalhevet turns away many of its … Continue reading

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