Category Archives: England

Spikes in racist abuse reported after Brexit

I believe the anecdotes. The English are developing their in-group identity by choosing to leave Europe. When you develop your in-group identity, you are more likely to have negative views of out-groups. This is basic social identity theory. The stronger … Continue reading

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‘Graph of Mother Jones mass shooter database by ethnicity’

“Currently awaiting the results in his underground bunker, ready to lead the ground assault on London.” “Feminism Sex Party” “An overview of today’s Trump article in the Washington Post”

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Comments at Steve Sailer: * Richard Spencer’s White nationalism is a product of the European melting pot of America, but there is no evidence that it is particular or culturally specific enough to be able to create a deep-rooted sense … Continue reading

Posted in England, EU | Comments Off on Brexit


Posted in England, Islam, Rape | Comments Off on Coincidence?

Voting to Leave Europe Is the Most un-Jewish Thing You Can Do

Jews tend to prefer a strong central government because Jews have rarely been popular and have survived for millennia in the diaspora by cutting deals with elites. Ramzpaul: “It is very anti-Semitic of you to imply that British Jews are … Continue reading

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