Category Archives: RCC

Does The RCC President Matter?

No. What matters for the Rabbinical Council of California is who runs it and that is the tough as nails passionate baal teshuva Rabbi Avrohom Union. The RCC current president is Rabbi Meyer May. The organization wouldn’t operate much differently … Continue reading

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A Nasty Fight The Rabbis Wrought

The RCC put up this website to pressure Meir Kin to give his wife a divorce through the RCC. The website lists Meir Kin’s home address. Meir Kin is willing to give his wife a divorce through a Beit … Continue reading

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Who Turned Kashrut Supervision Into A Cash Cow?

Kof-K led the way in the 1970s with making serious money from kashrut supervision. Then everyone else, including the OU, woke up to the possibilities of making big bucks from overseeing the production of food within the guidelines of Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Kashrut, R. Avraham Teichman, RCC | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Who Turned Kashrut Supervision Into A Cash Cow?

Orthodox Conversion Programs In Los Angeles Working Well

According to what I hear, all of the Orthodox conversion programs in Los Angeles boast better than a 90% success rate (when success is measured by its converts staying Sabbath-observant after becoming Jewish). I’ve not encountered an Orthodox rabbi in … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, R. David Rue, R. Gavriel Cohen, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Orthodox Conversion Programs In Los Angeles Working Well

Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?

That’s the question I think about when I look at Jewish Los Angeles. When the Orthodox Union puts its hashgacha (kosher certification) on toilet bowl cleanser and water, is that just for making money or is there a divine reason … Continue reading

Posted in Kashrut, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Gershon Bess, R. Yehuda Bukspan, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is The Purpose Of Religion To Aggrandize Yourself Or To Serve God?