Category Archives: Torah

The World Is Not Black And White

Rabbi Ari Kahn writes about this week’s Torah portion: How appropriate that the symbol of God’s covenant with Noach, and through him with all of humanity, is the many-colored rainbow: The world is not black and white, it is multi-colored, … Continue reading

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The Need For A Modern Orthodox Chumash

A chumash is a book containing the five books of Moses with a commentary. Many Conservative and Modern Orthodox shuls use the Rabbi Joseph Hertz chumash which was first published as one volume in 1937. Most Orthodox shuls now use … Continue reading

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Hot Young Girls Want To Talk Torah With You VII

I found Monica and Helen at LA Direct Models. Complete discussion video here.

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Helen & Monica Say Shame And Sexuality Are Not Same Thing

Dennis Prager says there was no sexuality in the Garden of Eden until Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked. Complete discussion video here.

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Are Women The Apex Of Creation?

Monica and Jupiter don’t like the idea that women are the apex of creation. They say it is an excuse to discriminate against women, keep them out of Torah study. Complete discussion video here.

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