Category Archives: Torah

Live Torah Talk With Joey Kurtzman – Parasha Miketz

The Torah portion is Miketz. Read Rabbi Ari Kahn’s commentary here. From wikipedia: "Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, asked his sons why they sat around looking at each other, and sent them down to Egypt to buy … Continue reading

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I Interview Solomon Schimmel About His New Book,

Listen to the whole thing here.

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) V

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) IV

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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Torah Portion Vayeishev (Genesis 37-41) III

Click here to watch my full discussion with Joey Kurtzman:

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