Category Archives: Torah

The Torah Personality

An old secular friend of mine told a Torah friend that he should not expect much sex after marriage. When my Torah friend later repeated that, I told him that he should not consider the opinions of anyone who’s not … Continue reading

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Can You Marry Your Niece?

Is this ruling normative Judaism? No! An Orthodox rabbi tells me: “No, it is not normative. He [R. Lazer Brody] actually has a great deal of influence on many people. It is one of these things which is found the … Continue reading

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12 Steps – Spirituality In Place Of Reality?

Joe emails: It seems to me that hanging out at 12 step meetings is of diminishing returns for the rational mind. I suppose the first few times you go, you get some rush thinking, wow, it is not just me … Continue reading

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Torah Justice

Check out this new site about the Jewish legal system — The operator of the site, Chaim, responds to my questions: I am doing this because as part of the frum community I have seen the need for a … Continue reading

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Can You Set Your Blog To Post On Shabbos?

From An interesting article raised the question of whether you may schedule e-mails or social media updates to occur on Shabbos. For example, I can post to my blog and schedule the post to appear on Friday night. Within … Continue reading

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