Category Archives: Ethics

Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

A sentencing hearing in the financial fraud case of former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse manager and Lubavitcher chassid Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in federal court in Iowa. There is a concept in Judaism that each Shabbat “blesses,” … Continue reading

Posted in Agriprocessors, Chabad, Ethics, Fraud, Judaism, Kashrut, Torah, Truth, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

The Mean Streets

I’ve walked down some mean streets in my life and met a lot of bad guys who frequently have keener insights into life than the good guys. People become good by having consideration for others. Take David Suissa for example. … Continue reading

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I Can’t Morally Justify Much Of What I Do

Much of what I do is based upon my feelings rather than upon God’s immutable moral law. I fear that I am letting down my commitments to Judaism and ethical monotheism. Much of my blogging is done by instinct. I … Continue reading

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Orthodox Bludgers

Elliot Resnick writes an important Op/Ed in this week’s Jewish Press: Acquaintances of mine have told me point-blank – without a trace of embarrassment in their voices – that they live in Section 8 housing and buy groceries with food … Continue reading

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The Predator

As I walked the mean streets of Pico-Robertson today, I felt weak, tired and vulnerable. I was exhausted. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to run my errands, to pick up my groceries, and to retreat … Continue reading

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