Category Archives: Pico/Robertson

The Los Angeles Guardian Angels

It’s not unusual for me to be awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of a whirring police helicopter right above me and a light shining in my window and cops yelling through a loudspeaker, “Luke Ford! … Continue reading

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Keeping My Eye On Pico-Robertson 90035

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How Should You Walk The Mean Streets Of Pico-Robertson?

Leaving a Shabbat dinner the other night, I was advised by the hostess to watch out for muggers. Don’t let anybody sneak up behind me. There have been three Orthodox Jews mugged on Airdrome in the past month. I was … Continue reading

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Gun Shots Usher In New Year In Pico-Robertson

I heard a lot of gunshots around midnight last night as the hood welcomed in the new year. I hear there was a big police presence at the 18th St/La Cienega Blvd mall in the early morning hours of Sunday. … Continue reading

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I Walked Around Pico-Robertson In Jeans Friday Night

Friday was my graduation day. I had a friend in from the Bay Area. I had my psycho-therapy. And I did not have much spare time. So when my buddy came over at 5pm, I was still in my jeans. … Continue reading

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