Category Archives: Los Angeles

In Praise Of Etz Jacob Philanthropist Aron Abeccasis

Etz Jacob’s rabbi Rubin Hutler sent Aron Abecassis this letter of gratitude on March 25. Perhaps a reader knows the back story to all this better than I do.

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What’s The Significance Of Saying Certain Prayers On Israeli Independence Day?

I got this email and I don’t understand the significance of saying hallel (psalms of praise) on Israeli Independence Day and whether or not you say hallel with a bracha (blessing). Does this have to do with belief (or lack … Continue reading

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Shaarey Zedek Has A Pulpit Star

Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg (45)?) has wowed most of his new shul in Valley Village (except for the right-wing). I talk to an Orthodox friend about going to Beth Am (Conservative). "Do they call it davening still or is it ‘communing … Continue reading

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Journalist Marc Ballon Leaves Jewish Journal & Journalism

He’s now a publicist in Orange County.

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Stunning Enrollment Drop At Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy?

A source writes: "Large enrollment drop again for the fall year 2007-2008 from about 600 students to about 450. This is going to enlarge the deficit an additional $1.5 to 2.0. million dollars. School board president Morey Levovitz’s agenda at … Continue reading

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