Category Archives: Los Angeles

The Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles Chose To Base Its Hunger Campaign On A Lie

For the past few months, the Jewish Federation has campaigned around Los Angeles that one out of eight people in the city are hungry. It’s a big fat lie, but that hasn’t stopped synagogues, including Orthodox ones, from embracing the … Continue reading

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How Is The LAPD And News Media So Cocksure The Synagogue Shooting Was Not A Hate Crime?

If this had happened at a mosque, do you think there is one chance in a hundred that they would’ve been so quick to declare this was not a hate crime? The Los Angeles Times reports this morning: Los Angeles … Continue reading

Posted in Adat Yeshurun, Anti-Semitism, Dennis Prager, Los Angeles | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on How Is The LAPD And News Media So Cocksure The Synagogue Shooting Was Not A Hate Crime?

LA Rabbis Spend Week In Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports: Many of the rabbis agree, however, that some of the most valuable moments of the trip happen between planned events, when they have a chance to meet and get to know one another on bus and … Continue reading

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Clueless Jews Campaign To End Hunger In Los Angeles

I’d love to see some evidence that anyone is dying in Los Angeles of malnutrition. I walk around Pico-Robertson and see all my favorite Orthodox shuls promoting, a campaign to solve a problem that does not exist. I’ve seen … Continue reading

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Shining A Light

Shira emails: Dear Luke, I am thinking of you, while working. What comes to mind is that things are coming together. Your important work and service to the community is bearing fruits. In the past, I have stated that it’s … Continue reading

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