Category Archives: Los Angeles

Riding The Subway In Los Angeles

From talking to people who do it regularly, I understand that riding the subway in Los Angeles is a depressing experience mainly shared with low-class Mexicans and a few blacks. As opposed to New Yorkers, Los Angelenos exhibit little concern … Continue reading

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Will Los Angelenos Trust Government Again?

From Los Angeles Magazine: “Garcetti believes that such criticisms miss the whole point of what he is doing. Far from playing “small ball,” as his critics assert, he believes he is engaged in the most wide-ranging and important of all … Continue reading

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Slate: Los Angeles Native Who Joined IDF After Birthright Israel Trip Killed in Gaza

Slate reports: The Associated Press reports this morning on the story of two Americans, 24-year-old Max Steinberg of California and 21-year-old Nissim Sean Carmeli of Texas, who were killed on Sunday in Gaza while fighting with the Israel Defense Forces … Continue reading

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Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell Headed For Victory As Los Angeles County Sheriff

I went to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s debate last night at the Jewish Community Center. I’m not up on the issues, but it seems like Paul Tanaka has been saddled by everything Lee Baca did wrong and that Jim … Continue reading

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The Adoption Of Civic Virtue

I admire the work ethic that leads latinos to rob the recycling bins we put out at night to take from that which was supposed to fund city services. Only racists want to launch an assimilation campaign urging the adoption … Continue reading

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