Category Archives: Joe Biden

Blacks vs Jews, Elites vs Grassroots in the Joe Biden Story (7-9-24)

01:00 Jews vs blacks on whether or not Joe Biden should step down03:20 Media pretend to be shocked by Joe Biden’s cognitive decline06:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes, John Ellis says Joe Biden … Continue reading

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Why do Democrats Lack the Courage Of Their Convictions About Biden’s Decline? (7-8-24)

01:00 Biden WEEK FROM HELL: Dems Plot REVOLT, Democrats care more about their jobs than telling the truth, Joe Biden’s losing the media 34:20 Is Biden’s team deceiving the American public about his competence, A Biden – … Continue reading

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Decoding The Media Conspiracy To Protect Joe Biden The Past Four Years (7-7-24)

01:00 The Joe Biden Decline Story Is Taking On Watergate Dimensions, Conservatives saw Joe Biden’s decline before liberals did, Few People Can Handle Unlimited Amounts Of Humiliation, Joe Biden Must Go Because The Desperate Nature Of The … Continue reading

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The Joe Biden Decline Story Is Taking On Watergate Dimensions

It has left the realm of the temporal and been elevated to the sacred. The story is no longer being covered as battles between self-interested partisans but rather it is now about the pursuit of holy truth. When a story … Continue reading

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Few People Can Handle Unlimited Amounts Of Humiliation

Every day that Joe Biden stays in office, he seems to increase his humiliation. We all depend upon others to support our narratives. I’m a convert to Orthodox Judaism. If no Orthodox Jew supported my transition, I couldn’t sustain my … Continue reading

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