Category Archives: Aaron W. Hughes

The Study of Judaism: Authenticity, Identity, Scholarship

Here are some highlights from this 2014 book by Aaron W. Hughes: * In 2007 I published a slim and what I hoped would be a provocative volume entitled Situating Islam: The Past and Future of an Academic Discipline. This … Continue reading

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Rethinking Jewish Philosophy: Beyond Particularism and Universalism

In my experience, Jewish philosophy and Jewish theology play no role in the lives of 99.9% of Jews (equivalent to the role of jurisprudence in the lives of Americans). It is rare that I recall real Jews (as opposed to … Continue reading

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Islam and Religious Studies Post-9/11

Aaron W. Hughes writes in his book Theorizing Islam: “When one permits those whom one studies to define the terms in which they will be understood, suspends one’s interest in the temporal and the contingent, or fails to distinguish between … Continue reading

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When Bad Scholarship Is Just Bad Scholarship: A Response to Omid Safi

Aaron W. Hughes writes: I’ve never been called a racist before. Yet, if Omid Safi’s undocumented musings about the current state of Islamic Studies is to be believed, I am one of several non-Muslims who have the nerve to attack … Continue reading

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Jacob Neusner: An American Jewish Iconoclast

One day circa 1992, my dad, who self-published over 40 books, brought me a brochure with books on Judaism and hundreds of the books were by Jacob Neusner. We couldn’t get over it. We’d never known anyone that productive. One … Continue reading

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