Category Archives: Stephen Turner

The Naked State: What the Breakdown of Normality Reveals

Philosopher Stephen Turner contributes a chapter to this 2021 book, Pandemics, Politics, and Society: Critical Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis: Giorgio Agamben shocked the world by noting that what “the epidemic has caused to appear with clarity is that the … Continue reading

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The blogosphere and its enemies: the case of oophorectomy

Professor Stephen Turner writes in The Sociological Review in 2013: * The blogosphere is loathed and feared by the press, expert-opinion makers, and representatives of authority generally. Part of this is based on a social theory: that there are implicit … Continue reading

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Philosopher Stephen Turner On Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political

Stephen Turner faculty page Stephen Turner Amazon Author Page Schmitt, Telos, the Collapse of the Weimar Constitution, and the Bad Conscience of the Left The Concept of the Political PDF Springtime for Schmitt Stephen Turner’s response: Carl Schmitt: … Continue reading

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