Category Archives: Stephen Turner

Subtleties Of Thought

Stephen Turner wrote in 2001: * ‘Presentism’ is a term that covers a multitude of not very well defined sins, but its main meaning is this: texts may be read in a variety of ways, and a text that is … Continue reading

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Depoliticizing Power

Stephen Turner wrote in 1989: Carl Schmitt’s renovated Hobbesianism, with its insistence on the antithesis between authority and truth contained in the Hobbist slogan auctoritas, non veritas facit legem, (law is decided by authority, not by truth) provides the dialectical … Continue reading

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The Changing Temptations Of Science

Stephen Turner published in 2020: The idea of science as a spontaneous order produced by autonomous individuals following their best hunches, the core of the liberal theory of science, became less an accurate description than an expression of nostalgic regret. … Continue reading

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Beyond The Academic Ethic

Philosopher Stephen Turner published this essay in 2019: * the German academic system of the late nineteenth century, which became the model for the modern research university… * Harvard University, for the first three centuries of its existence, was essentially … Continue reading

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LSU spent nearly $1 million on legal fight over firing of coastal researcher Ivor van Heerden

Philosopher Stephen Turner wrote: “A court case after the Katrina disaster gives some indication of the power of the state to coerce consensus. An obscure engineering researcher at Louisiana State University criticized the Army Corps of Engineers, which was responsible … Continue reading

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