Category Archives: Voter Fraud

WP: His pastors tried to steer him away from social media rage. He stormed the Capitol anyway.

From the Washington Post: Facebook was making him angry. For weeks last spring and summer, Michael Sparks had watched video of protests for racial justice around the country with growing unease. He could not turn away from his phone, even … Continue reading

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The Myth Of Voter Fraud

When Republicans talk about voter fraud, they are rarely talking about voter fraud. Instead, they are usually using rhetoric to push for making voting more difficult under the theory that lower turnout elections favor Republicans. Read The_Politics_of_Voter_Fraud and Voter fraud … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: Voter Fraud Never Happens! (Except in These 10,000 Cases)

Ann writes Dec. 9, 2020 in her syndicated column: The media have been lying about voter fraud for 20 years. The New York Times and The Washington Post will tell you: Let’s get something straight. There are only two cases … Continue reading

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Voter Fraud: A Red Herring

From Harvard’s Kennedy School, released November 6, 2020: Proponents of stricter voting laws often claim restrictions are necessary to prevent voter fraud, but there is little evidence to support this assertion. President Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that widespread … Continue reading

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Inappropriate Applications of Benford’s Law Regularities to Some Data from the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States

Benford's Law. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 11, 2020 According to Wikipedia: “Walter Richard Mebane, Jr. (born November 30, 1958) is a University of Michigan professor of political science and statistics and an expert on detecting electoral fraud. He has … Continue reading

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