Category Archives: Corona Virus

Will A COVID-19 Vaccine Change The Game?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * No vaccine “works.” 1. There is no vaccine that stops the infection in 100 percent of cases … 50 percent would be really good. 2. Vaccines only target specific variants, so they have to be … Continue reading

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Tracking the Real Coronavirus Death Toll in the United States

I don’t have any strong opinions on Covid-19 and the proper response. This New York Times article, however, seems important: “Many epidemiologists believe measuring excess deaths is the best way to assess the impact of the virus in real time. … Continue reading

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The Covid Coup

Angelo Codevilla writes: It should be clear that the COVID event in America is only tangentially about health. It is essentially a political campaign based on the pretense of health. Mere perusal of news from abroad is enough to see … Continue reading

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How LA’s Orthodox Jews averted the worst of the pandemic

From the Forward, May 4, 2020: According to Yossi Manela, director of Chevra Kadisha Mortuary, only three Orthodox Jews with Covid-19 on their death certificate — all men, average age 75 years old — had passed through his funeral home. … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: How Many Quality-Adjusted Life Years Is Coronavirus Costing Us?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If age is a relevant factor in the valuation (and surely it is) then that opens the door to a host of other factors that we’re not allowed to mention. The upshot and the implication … Continue reading

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