Category Archives: Alt Right

Defining the Alt Right

Education Realist blogs: Dave Weigel’s otherwise solid analysis linked Steve Sailer and Jared Taylor as “alt right” or “race realists”, which made me very nervous. Yes, Steve is an influential writer at Taki and VDare, and I thought he was … Continue reading

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Joshua Seidel – Jewish Marksman and Gun Rights Supporter

From the blog Jewish Marksmanship: Today’s post introduces you to Jewish Marksman Joshua Seidel. As loyal readers know, we’re here primarily to promote Jews in the firearms, shooting sports and Second Amendment communities. That includes Olympic champions, famous gun-rights attorneys, … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Jew Joshua Seidel Leaves Twitter

Joshua blogs at “For those of you who follow me on twitter, you will see that my account is gone. I felt the need to do this because many of the comments I’ve made on twitter are simply too … Continue reading

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The InfoWars Transition To Alt-Right

Richard Spencer says in the Radix podcast Fellow Travelers: “It was entertainment… Interpretation of pop culture. But you take it with a big shaker of salt. I would never imagine that InfoWar would be pro-police and non-conspiratorial and more about … Continue reading

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Can A Jew Be A Member Of The Alt-Right?

Sure as much as a gentile can move to the Jewish state and become a full and equal citizen. That’s not easy. Israel is a Jewish state, so non-Jews by definition are second-class citizens. Orthodox Jews love non-Jews trying to … Continue reading

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