Category Archives: Alt Right

WP: Four lessons from the alt-right’s D.C. coming out party

David Weigel writes: Taylor and Spencer, like many on the alt-right, believe in the relative superiority of different races; social conservatives believe that adherence to traditional Judeo-Christian values would bring about harmony. As the Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff prodded Spencer … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Wants To Professionalize

Rosie Gray writes: “We’ve got to have professional organizations, professional people doing it, we’ve got to amp up what we’re already doing,” said Richard Spencer, a white nationalist leader. …The press conference was billed as an explainer of the alt-right, … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews

Non-Jews can’t move to Israel and become citizens with the same ease that Jews can. Does that mean Jews hate non-Jews? So why if gentiles want to create their own states without Jews, that means they hate Jews? Daily Beast: … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Has Its Coming Out Party

Wow, there’s nothing snide in this article! Tucker Carlson seems the most woke of all conservative journalists. Daily Caller: This of course brings up accusations of white supremacy. However, all three men object to this description. When asked about this … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Movement Presents Its Vision for an All-White Society With Trump Paving the Way

Mother Jones: Spencer explained that he likes Trump’s immigration policy, which not only calls for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants but also reduces legal immigration into the country. (Spencer’s ideal policy would also favor immigrants from Europe.) But as Spencer … Continue reading

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