Category Archives: Alt Right

The Alt-Right And The Death Of Conservatism

The Daily Caller just published an objective essay on the Alt-Right! Hillary is correct, though, that this new movement from the right has emerged from the fringes of society. All effective counter-cultural movements do. This is where the deplorables all … Continue reading

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Conservatism In Crisis

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: The alt-right’s “intellectual godfather,” in many eyes, is Jared Taylor. Although he characterizes himself as a “white advocate,” he strongly rejects being labeled racist, contending that his “racialism” is “moderate and commonsensical,” a benign form of … Continue reading

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The Wandering AltJew

Blog post: What made me seek out and research diverse opinions was the blithering stigmatization of other Jews like Benjamin Freedman or Gliad Atzmon- that hysterical stigmatization only drew my curiosity – and later helped me realize Jews have the … Continue reading

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WP: A lot of Donald Trump Jr.’s trail missteps seem to involve white nationalists and Nazis

This is a trend. Donald Trump Jr. is Alt-Right friendly. Good for the Washington Post for linking to Alt-Right sources in this piece. Washington Post: Let’s recap: The “gas chamber” comment “The media has been her number-one surrogate in this,” … Continue reading

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Regression to the Meme

James Taranto of the WSJ writes: Hillary Clinton’s campaign has published a parody of Vox, the liberal news site for young adults. Headline: “Donald Trump, Pepe the Frog, and White Supremacists: An Explainer.” Subheadline: “That cartoon frog is more sinister … Continue reading

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