Category Archives: Alt Right

Ari Ben Canaan: ‘Towards the Alt Flat Earth Society: The Comment that Got Me Banned from r/altright’

Just as Jews deserve safe spaces where they can avoid the presence of goyim, so too goyim deserve safe spaces where they can avoid the presence of Jews. We should all have freedom of association, in person and online. When … Continue reading

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Alt Zionism – A Home for Dissident Jews

LINK: “Alt Zionism is, as its name suggests, a blog dedicated to writings on those two estranged brothers of contemporary ethnonationalism: the Alt Right, and Zionism. The author, Ari Ben Canaan, is an anonymous Israeli-American academician, dissident from and dangerously … Continue reading

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BY THE NUMBERS: The Twittersphere of the Trolls

From the Jewish newspaper Forward: “Your clothes will be removed & fumigated. You will be held down and given a bath!,” a Twitter troll tweeted at a Huffington Post journalist, complete with a picture of herself in a gas chamber. … Continue reading

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On Spencer’s Herzlianism for the Current Year

From Alt Zionism A Home for Dissident Jews: If not Jew and White, then which? It is a curious fact that in the Current Year, the Alt Right understands the Jews better than the Jews understand themselves. While legions of … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Or Alt-White?

Comments at Vox Day: * We’re indelibly tied to our phenotypic/ethnic/cultural identity by nature of our genetics, our inherited social legacy and the perceptions of others. Realizing this is it really “selfish” or deplorable to wonder how a new school … Continue reading

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