Category Archives: Alt Right

Meet the Alt-Right ‘Spokesman’ Who’s Thrilled With Trump’s Rise – Trump’s campaign has legitimized Richard Spencer’s movement, and Spencer couldn’t be happier about it

Rolling Stone: Just two weeks after Hillary Clinton delivered her August speech decrying Donald Trump’s ties to “an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right,’” the Alt-Right movement’s leaders host a press conference – a coming-out party of sorts – … Continue reading

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The white flight of Derek Black

Washington Post: Matthew Stevenson had started hosting weekly Shabbat dinners at his campus apartment shortly after enrolling in New College in 2010. He was the only Orthodox Jew at a school with little Jewish infrastructure, so he began cooking for … Continue reading

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The New Star Of Germany’s Far Right

From The New Yorker: On one side there are moderate members, for whom the AfD is basically a protest vote; on the other is what he called a “dark core” of true believers—people like Björn Höcke, a former history teacher … Continue reading

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How The Alt-Right Takes Over

Build institutions? Win elections and popular support? I thought AmNats of white or any variety are supposed to complain about the ADL and call people cucks. Who knew that the boring, decades-long business of building institutions and winning popular support … Continue reading

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American Goyim Are Good To Jews, Are We Good To Them Back?

Steve Sailer writes: An op-ed in the NYT by a Brown U. student with the great name Benjamin Gladstone (referencing the arch-rival Victorian prime ministers Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone; Benjamin Gladstone is kind of like Alexander Jefferson or John … Continue reading

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