Category Archives: Alt Right

Torah: Parashah Va’eira ( Exodus 6:2–9:35)

This week’s Torah portion is Va’eira (Exodus 6:2–9:35). * If being America First is anti-Semitic, then all nationalists outside of Israel must become anti-Semitic. If Jews lead resistance to Trump, America’s president, does this make them anti-American? If Jews find … Continue reading

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Millenial Woes In 2016: Doxxing Should Be Illegal

On Dec. 22, 2016, just before he was doxxed ten days ago, Millenial Woes said to Jared Taylor 24 minutes in: “One thing that should be illegal is doxxing. If someone is posting your details in public, the website should … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘The ‘Alt-Right’ Hates the Jews. But It Also Loves Them — and Israel.’

Sam Kestenbaum writes a decent article: When Rabbi Matt Rosenberg went to a speech presented by one of the country’s leading white nationalists, he hoped to make a statement about the power of Judaism. During a question-and-answer session after the … Continue reading

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Neo-Nazi Blogger Mike Enoch Quits Over Revelation His Wife Is Jewish

(JTA): The founder of the popular right-wing blog post The Right Stuff resigned over the revelation that his wife is Jewish. Mike Enoch, who also co-hosts “The Daily Shoah” weekly podcast, was outed over the weekend as Mike Peinovich, a … Continue reading

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Alt Right Podcaster Mike Enoch Separates From His Jewish Wife

New York Daily News: The Right Stuff is known for promoting white supremacy while popularizing the “echo” method of marking Jewish people online. Wrote one white nationalist aficionado, “It’s pretty bad for your [white nationalist], fourth reich, neo-nazi, facist movement … Continue reading

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