Category Archives: Alt Right

Kahanists Embrace Trump — But Are Divided on ‘Alt-Right’

The Forward: A Twitter user known as AltRabbi wrote online, “Closest thing jews have had to alt right was kahane.” AltRabbi is known online as a religious Jew who is sympathetic to the “alt-right.” “Secular Jews in US are so … Continue reading

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White Supremacist Cheers Trump’s ‘De-Judification’ of Holocaust

The Forward writes: Richard Spencer, the leading ideologue of the “alt-right,” Donald Trump’s Holocaust Remembrance Day statement that failed to mention Jews or anti-Semitism was an important, perhaps revolutionary, step. Spencer dubbed it the “de-Judification” of the Holocaust. Jewish activists, … Continue reading

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What White Supremacists Taught A Torah Scholar About Identity

What-White-Supremacists-Taught-a-Jewish-Scholar-About-Identity soc1010sgWhatWhiteSupremacistTaughtJewishSp12 Abby L. Ferber writes (Link): A few years ago, my work on white supremacy led me to the neo-Nazi tract The New Order, which proclaims: “The single serious enemy facing the white man is the Jew.” I must … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Conservatism

This article makes clear that conservatism has failed and there is a need for an Alternative Right. George Hawley writes in the New York Times: Donald J. Trump campaigned as a populist rather than as a conservative, and won in … Continue reading

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European roots of Trump’s ‘America First’

Jacob Siegel writes for Politico: “The ‘alt-right’ or ‘alternative right’ is a name currently embraced by many white nationalists, neo-Nazis and so called ‘race-realists’ along with a number of other groups in a coalition of the far right. Their ideology … Continue reading

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