Category Archives: Alt Right

ADL: White Supremacist Infighting Escalates After Shelbyville Event

From the ADL: White supremacists have been fighting among themselves ever since the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. That infighting escalated following last weekend’s White Lives Matter (WLM) rally in Shelbyville, Tennessee. About 200 white supremacists around … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer On The Jewish Question

Richard Spencer appears on this October 28, 2017 podcast. Eighty nine minutes in, a host says: “I want to give you a chance to clear the air. I notice that a fair amount of people criticize you for being weak … Continue reading

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Alt Right Is Often More Polite Than Conservatives

Richard Spencer says in this October 28, 2017 podcast: “Conservatives have been race baiting for decades.” Richard Spencer wrote in 2013: Who, really, can be surprised by National Review ‘s firing of John Derbyshire on April 6, 2012, for the sin of practicing anthropology … Continue reading

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Foreign Affairs: The European Roots of the Alt-Right – How Far-Right Ideas Are Going International

George Hawley writes: Some figures once associated with the ENR have attacked it for a similar reason, but from the right rather than the left. These critics, most prominent among them the journalist Guillaume Faye, believe that the ENR’s high-minded, … Continue reading

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AltRabbi: ‘FrameGame is the Stephen Miller of alt right twitter. A Jew who puts nationalist goyim to shame’

FrameGame is the Stephen Miller of alt right twitter. A Jew who puts nationalist goyim to shame — AltRabbi (@AltRabinowitz) October 30, 2017

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