Category Archives: Alt Right

What’s More Likely To Produce A Good World?

Following the laws of God or the laws of Nature? That’s the basis of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim conflict with the Alt Right. All of the leading five or so intellectuals of the Alt Right are atheists even though most people who … Continue reading

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Sexual Utopia In Power

Soundcloud MP3. Sexual Utopia In Power by Roger Devlin: The attempt to realize a sexual utopia for women was doomed to failure before it began. Women’s wishes aim at the impossible, conflict with one another, and change unpredictably. Hence, any … Continue reading

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J. Arthur Bloom writes: A good rule of thumb for hard-right, Nazi or Nazi-adjacent groups is that one-third of its members are petty criminals, one-third are gay, and one-third are informants. The nature of such groups makes it hard to … Continue reading

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Chain Of Command

I’ve watched the first five episodes of this National Geographic documentary series and it is amazing that the United States is so heavily invested in fighting something as subjective and amorphous as “violent extremism.” This is an arbitrary moral category. … Continue reading

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Post Game: The Andrew Anglin vs. Sargon of Akkad Debate

Listen and listen and listen.

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