Category Archives: Alt Right

Alt-Right: From 4chan to the White House

Here are some excerpts from this new book by the BBC’s Mike Wendling: * Spencer was correct in drawing (as he was attempting to do just before he got smacked in the face) a line between himself and neo-Nazis. Technically, … Continue reading

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Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood (4-16-18)

I would like to think that Baked Alaska is simply heading in a new direction and that all the bad things imputed to him didn’t occur as we imagined. Maybe he’s had a spiritual epiphany and wants to leave behind … Continue reading

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The Jewish Culture Of Critique

Kevin MacDonald vs Nathan Cofnas (3-29-23) JQ Debate: Nathan Cofnas Critiques Kevin MacDonald (4-17-18) STANDING ON A WOOD CRATE, CRITIQUING NATHAN COFNAS ON KMAC (3-25-18) Nathan Cofnas: Still No Evidence for a Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy (1-8-23) Nathan Cofnas Interview … Continue reading

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Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood (4-16-18)

B: Content brainstorming: Commenting on Baked Alaska’s implosion. What role moving to LA might have played in it. This is something that you can speak best to and is probably good monologue material. Of course the rest of the big … Continue reading

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Halsey English On The JQ

COMMENTS: * When Peter came back at the end and opposed Doovid about white identity and the definition of what/who is white, I got a thrill how strong he was to assert that whites have a right to a homeland … Continue reading

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