Category Archives: Alt Right

LAT: ‘A year after Charlottesville, many white supremacists are keeping a lower profile’

From the Los Angeles Times: Several leaders of white supremacist groups have said during the last year, often via social media, that their followers should avoid such public events. Michael Hill, who leads the Alabama-based pro-Confederate group League of the … Continue reading

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Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Dennis Dale, Brundlefly, Claire Khaw Livestream (8-5-18)

MP3: Colin’s Twitter. His blog posts. His book. Shortpod. 90s rock review.

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WP: To Toronto’s embarrassment, a new alt-right challenger rises in Canada

From the Washington Post: Once relatively mainstream and well-connected, over the past three years Goldy’s politics have exponentially become extreme. She was previously a mainstay of the Sun News Network and Conrad Black’s “The Zoomer,” but her increasing comfort with … Continue reading

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The Kek Wars, Part Two: In the Shadow of the Cathedral

John Michael Greer writes: In last week’s thrilling episode of The Kek Wars, we talked about the way that America’s managerial aristocracy and its broad penumbra of lackeys and hangers-on retreated into a self-referential bubble to avoid noticing the consequences … Continue reading

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The Kek Wars, Part One: Aristocracy and its Discontents

John Michael Greer writes: Magic is the politics of the excluded. It’s also, in an inversion of a kind typical in such situations, the politics of the excluders. We’ll get to the latter point later in this essay; for now, … Continue reading

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