Category Archives: Alt Right

Trump Must Bust The Trusts (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple)

00:00 Problems with Amazon 40:00 Coddling kids 45:00 Blacks and whites as kids are often friends, but then that changes after puberty, why? 1:15:00 Google/Apple censorship 1:24:00 Z-Man on Tom Nichols 1:35:00 Bolsonaro in Brazil 1:38:00 Stock market crash 1:41:00 … Continue reading

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Neocon Haley Says Goodbye

00:00 What really went down between Nikki Haley and Trump? 24:00 Ben Shapiro and Pod Save America 35:00 When did it become cool to be gay? 40:00 Antifa takes over Portland streets, city does nothing 1:55:00 China taking over Africa … Continue reading

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Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist

* Sally Satel in NYT: I Am a Racially Profiling Doctor Here are selections from the new book by Eli Saslow: * David Duke, the conference organizer, stepped behind a podium to welcome his guests. Duke, then fifty-eight, had spent … Continue reading

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Matt P. writes: “Whenever I’ve developed an enthusiasm, I’ve always been curious in what debunks my enthusiasm… when I got interested in Judaism I became interested in those books that were most damaging to Judaism… when I was a Christian … Continue reading

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Book Club: When Pride Still Mattered: A Life Of Vince Lombardi

00:00 Vince Lombardi bio 1:30:00 Kamala Harris, Cory Booker at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings 1:33:00 Boris Johnson heads for his second divorce, future PM of Great Britain 1:40:00 UK’s crime spiral, anarcho-tyranny 1:42:00 Bristol Palin and that term “trailer trash” … Continue reading

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