Category Archives: Alt Right

Bantsing With Borzoi

Mike, I never said you should build bridges with anyone. That's the type of thing winners do. That's not you, Mike. You are addicted to losing. You want to destroy yourself, your friends, and the AR and you are doing … Continue reading

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#118 11-27-18 Populism: Threat Or Menace?

Christopher Caldwell writes: Americans, living in the home of modern judicial review, will understand that judges are often guilty of trying to correct electoral results that don’t correspond to insider thinking. The civil rights laws of the 1960s, for example, … Continue reading

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Top European rabbi urges Israel to end engagement with far-right parties

From the Times of Israel: A leading European rabbi this week called on Israel to end its engagement with far-right parties in Europe, regardless of their position on the Jewish state. Conference of European Rabbis president Pinchas Goldschmidt warned Israeli … Continue reading

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Does The Bible Need Trigger Warnings? (11-23-18)

00:00 Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages 09:00 Life, Liberty & the Deadly Pursuit of Big-Ass $99 TVs 17:00 Girls can’t navigate? 33:00 ‘Murphy Brown’ Threatens ICE … Continue reading

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The White Diaspora

Jones comments: “White diaspora is what I call it. Two suggestions that will seem a bit far fetched. 1) retrench in a hyper-traditional version of our language. So basically start teaching our children to seriously recover King James English. This … Continue reading

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