Category Archives: Alt Right

Milo Yiannopoulos Doesn’t Have Feelings

New York Times: You’re one of the loudest, most provocative voices at Breitbart News, and you’re currently on a speaking tour of college campuses, railing against “P.C. culture.” You once admitted in a profile that your public persona started out … Continue reading

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The Genius Of Moldbug (A Founder Of The Dark Enlightenment)

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Moldbug wrote extensively on the religious underpinnings of the modern progressive “mind”. If you can deal with the baroque and self-indulgent writing style, it’s a thought provoking analysis. * Some of his most valuable content … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right’s Settled Debates

The Social Pathologist blogs: Ramsey Paul put up a good video post a few weeks ago. It quite clearly explains the problems with the 1488 crowd and the Alt-Right. Now some definitions according to me: 1) Dissident Right= All groups … Continue reading

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The Reactionary Mind

In the New York Times Sunday, Ross Douthat says Neo-Reaction aka the Alt Right has good points to make. Twitter: “Shorter @DouthatNYT: I’m not a racist. Racism is bad. Don’t be a racist or anti-Jewish. Nobody likes a racist. Neoreaction … Continue reading

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Got News: Yes, Cathy Young Is A Cowardly Fraud and Not Just On The #AltRight Hit Piece

Charles Johnson writes: Cathy Young is pretty naive about how politics actually works. And no where is that clearer than in her confused Federalist hit piece against the Alt Right. has already pointed out that the factual errors with … Continue reading

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