Category Archives: Alt Right

The Internet’s bigot crisis: There’s a new push to curtail online bigotry, but the toxic sludge of hate is too enormous to erase

Amanda Marcotte writes: For roughly the thousandth time, the masters of social media in Silicon Valley are promising to do something about online hate speech. Bloomberg reports that an impressive-sounding group of tech giants — Facebook, Twitter,Google and Microsoft — … Continue reading

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Understanding the Alt-Right’s Jew Parentheses

Jesse Singal writes: Two defining characteristics of the alt-right, the loosely organized online coalition of meme-loving racists, are that its members like being weird online and aren’t particularly fond of Jews. Keep those two things in mind, and the following … Continue reading

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Many Jews such as homosexual activist James Kirchick are horrified to find themselves described as “oven-worthy” on Twitter but the Torah has no problem listing off crimes, such as homosexuality, that make a Jew worthy of death. James Kirchick writes: … Continue reading

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Far-right parties winning over some Jewish voters, top rabbi warns

VIENNA (Reuters) – Far-right parties in some European countries are winning over Jewish voters by exploiting fears about militant Islamists and mainstream parties must do much more to address Europeans’ security concerns, a Jewish leader said on Tuesday. Boosted by … Continue reading

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Trump Meets Milo!

Vox Day: If this doesn’t make you happy – You’re probably not #AltRight Comments: * As an Englishman, Milo must have realized he was shaking hands with the next Churchill. * He may be a filthy degenerate race-mixing faggot jew, … Continue reading

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