Category Archives: Nazi

Rabbi Meir Kahane & The Nazi Question

R. Meir Kahane can’t get through an interview without being asked if his program does not resemble that of Nazi Germany. He answers that anyone can convert to Judaism while the Jews of Germany could never be accepted as legitimate … Continue reading

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The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines

I spent part of my Sabbath afternoon reading the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Purifying the Jewish bloodline was a major pre-occupation of Ezra the Scribe and of Judaism in general. From Wikipedia: Ezra led a large body of exiles … Continue reading

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Concern With The Victims Of Communism

I went to and put “Communism” in the search box and found 30 results. I then put in “Nazi” and got 1479 results. Only two of the results for “communism” contained the word in the headline. Those press releases … Continue reading

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Jews Vs Nazis

When I think about joining a group, I look around and say, do I want to be like them? With Jews, they were high IQ, successful, educated, rich, influential, strong families, passionate, they sucked the marrow out of life, had … Continue reading

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Slate: White Supremacists to Hold Confab at the National Press Club the Weekend of CPAC

REPORT: If you’re in D.C. for CPAC weekend and interested in rubbing shoulders with white supremacists, the National Press Club has you covered. On the evening of Feb. 27, the Press Club will provide space in its downtown D.C. building … Continue reading

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