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Category Archives: Nazi
Tabletmag: After the Nazi films unreel, many moviegoers are struck by how technically proficient and aesthetically compelling the films are.
Tabletmag.com: After the Nazi films unreel, many moviegoers are struck by how technically proficient and aesthetically compelling the films are. “It makes me ill because it was so good,” says one queasy spectator after taking in The Jew Süss. No … Continue reading
Posted in Nazi
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NYT: ‘Forbidden Films’ Exhumes Nazi Poison From the Movie Vaults
NYT: “The Third Reich was not only a totalitarian state but also a total multimedia regime. Seven decades after its fiery collapse, the embers remain — including some 1,200 feature films produced under Joseph Goebbels’s ministry of propaganda. Are they … Continue reading
Steve Sailer: The NYT Warns of the Impending Nazi Shortage: “Why Old Nazis Are Still Useful”
Steve Sailer writes: Germans are good at technology, so they should drop everything to find a technological fix for keeping old Nazis alive so we will never live in an age without trials of Nazis. Find some 86-year-olds who were … Continue reading
Son of a German Nazi converts to Judaism
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, MD, was the Christian son of a World War II Nazi tank commander – a third-generation warrior who received Deutschland’s highest military honor, the Iron Cross, pinned on his uniform by Adolf Hitler. As a teenager, Bernd … Continue reading
Posted in Conversion, Nazi
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Nazism As A Reaction To Anti-Racism
Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: [Frans] Boas didn’t really change his mind on race until the 1930s. The cause is not hard to pinpoint. When he died in 1942, an obituary mentioned his alarm over the threat of Nazism: Dr. Boas, … Continue reading
Posted in Adolf Hitler, Communism, Germany, Nazi, Race
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