Category Archives: Cathy Seipp

Cathy And I Fought Like A Married Couple

It’s only appropriate that our last interaction was a fight. I don’t even feel bad about it, and I bet she didn’t either. The last time I heard from Cathy was February 14. She emailed me in response to this … Continue reading

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I Never Did It With Cathy Seipp

Therefore I assume that the moral structure of the universe won’t be shattered if I only say kaddish for her during mincha/ma’ariv every day and skip shacharit. Cathy was never a morning person. She would not want me to get … Continue reading

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Cathy Seipp Was 49

Cathy Seipp died of lung cancer at Ceders-Sinai Wednesday, March 21, 2007. I assembled most of this profile of her in early 2003. It was only after Cathy told me in October of 2002 that she had incurable lung cancer … Continue reading

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Cathy Seipp Still Alive

Amy Alkon emails: "Cathy is so Cathy…still with us, defying all predictions of the doctors. Harvey went home for an hour, Moxie and I have been holding her hand and talking to her and telling her not to worry about … Continue reading

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Cathy Seipp’s Last Days

Cathy’s daughter Maia posts on’s comments section: “Dear commenters…this post was her last. Until I can obtain her password to get in (haven’t heard back from webmaster yet), will use this comments section as a means. My mother, Cathy … Continue reading

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