Category Archives: Cathy Seipp

I Disagree With All Of My Friends

Fox News report. About two years ago, Maia Lazar had a journalism advisor at Ribet Academy named Eliot Stein, a resident of the San Fernando Valley. Mr. Stein says that when his journalism class revolted against Maia their Editor, he … Continue reading

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Cathy Seipp’s Stalin Connection

Her daughter Maia IMs me: "So I found out my great great great uncle worked for Stalin in chemical engineering."

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Cathy Seipp’s New York Times Obit

From the March 26 paper: After graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1977, Ms. Seipp worked for The Associated Press, The California Apparel News and The Daily News in Los Angeles. In the early 1990s, she began … Continue reading

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What Is Cathy Seipp’s Passing Doing To People?

There were all sorts of battles fought around Cathy in her final weeks and now that she has died, some of these old battles have relaunched with a new ferocity while new ones begin between old friends. What else can … Continue reading

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200 People Show Up To Cathy Seipp’s Funeral Friday Morning

Mt. Sinai. 90068. 9:45 a.m. I drive up. There’s a crowd outside the chapel of assimilated Jews and goyim. This is definitely the place for me to advance my social prospects. Attendees include Matt Welch, Emmanuelle Richard, Denise Hamilton, David … Continue reading

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