Category Archives: Israel

Segregation Is Natural, Healthy & Good

The author of this new book (Good Intentions – Arab high-tech in Israel) does not mention the significant average IQ differences between Ashkenazim (105-115), Sephardim (97), Mizrahim (92) and Arabs (85). The sad truth is that this segregation feels natural … Continue reading

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David Brooks Is All For America Taking More Immigrants, Israel Not So Much

Steve Sailer writes: “Does anybody know what duty the Israel Defense Force has assigned David Brooks’ son, the one who moved to Israel and enlisted in the army? It would be kind of ironic if Brooks the Younger turned out … Continue reading

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LAT: Op-Ed Wrongfully treating academic debate as anti-Semitism

I love Israel. I think it is the most free and most dynamic country in the Middle East. I also see nothing sinister in non-Jews such as Arabs and Muslims frequently having conflicting interests with the Jewish state and therefore … Continue reading

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‘When Israels Mossad set out to break me, it found its helpers here at home’

By Victor Ostrovsky Victor Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: By Way of Deception and The Other side of Deception. In these he recorded his personal observations made … Continue reading

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Plan For Jewish-Only Buses On West Bank Suspended

I wonder if more Americans would ride public transportation if it were racially segregated? REPORT: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has overruled his Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Wednesday and called off a proposed plan to segregate Palestinians from Israelis on … Continue reading

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