Category Archives: Israel

Israel, Hamas & the Tragedy of Survival (10-15-23)

01:00 Land belongs to the people who can seize it and protect it22:00 Israel, Hamas and Gaza: Q&A w/ Peter Zeihan, George Friedman on Where the Conflict Goes from Here, Concepts Illuminate & Obscure Reality, Sam Vaknin … Continue reading

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The Consequences

In the 1966 movie The Battle of Algiers, Col. Mathieu (who’s in charge of the French forces) says: “Should we remain in Algeria? If you answer “yes,” then you must accept all the necessary consequences.” If Israel wants to decapitate … Continue reading

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Concepts Illuminate & Obscure Reality

There’s no alternative to using models to simplify reality. The world is far too complex to live without them. But if you use a false map of reality, you won’t get where you want to go. Political scientists John J. … Continue reading

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The Drums Of War (10-10-23)

01:00 Israel vs Hamas, Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children died as a result of American sanctions, What Makes A Great Pundit?, New Yorker: Jake Sullivan’s Trial by Combat: Inside the White House’s battle to keep Ukraine … Continue reading

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Israel vs Hamas

* Is there anything good about the events of the weekend in Israel? Yes, they return us to reality. Different groups have different interests, and when the clash of interests is intense enough, you get war, which is the continuation … Continue reading

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