Category Archives: Israel

Israeli Opinions On The Syrian Refugees

LINK: * ‘Long live Viktor Orbán!’ I mumble under my breath, for fear of being lynched if I am suspected of racism and Islamophobia. Syrian and Afghan refugees on and around a dinghy that deflated just before reaching Lesbos By … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter Tweets: How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?

Moshe Smith posts: “It may be true that the GOP candidates are too focused on Israel. . But once Coulter starts talking about F-ing Jews as if they are not full Americans, she crosses a line, and you shouldn’t cross … Continue reading

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LAT: Landlord orders Hollywood tower tenants to vacate

Shaul Kuba and Avi Shamesh are the principals of the group and they are both Israelis. LAT: The planned Target shopping center in Hollywood has stood unfinished for nearly a year, surrounded by fencing and patroled by guards. Work stopped … Continue reading

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High Trust Vs Low Trust Societies II

A friend writes on FB: So here is a lovely L.A. story. On way to airport for redeye, merging from the 10 to the 405, signaling for lane change, guy in aggressively fast BMW coming up behind doesn’t let me … Continue reading

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The Ugly Israeli

From Mondoweiss: Video showing racist exchange between Israelis and a flight attendant goes viral Ami Kaufman at +972 cuts to the chase: The headlines are pretty much the same all over, and include the words: “Watch: The Ugly Israeli,” in … Continue reading

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