Category Archives: Israel

The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners

John J. Mearsheimer is widely regarded as the most important political scientist in America today. I respect his work. Yet his prediction and prescription for Israel in this 2010 talk bewilders me. Regrettably, the two-state solution is now a fantasy. … Continue reading

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Mondoweiss: The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s perverted stance on ‘tolerance’

From Mondoweiss in 2010: Why does the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) have nothing to say about the rabbinical edict circulating in Israel—currently signed by more than four dozen rabbis—forbidding the sale or rental of homes to non-Jews? Or, why has … Continue reading

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Talking about Immigration with Youth: Ethics, Equity and Empathy

* Link: Talking about Immigration with Youth: Ethics, Equity and Empathy By Linda S. Blanshay Director, Program Development, Museum of Tolerance This 2014, each of the participating sites in the National Dialogues on Immigration project will be contributing to our … Continue reading

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Love and Mercy

I’m watching this 2014 movie Love and Mercy about Brian Wilson. Half of it takes place in the 1960s and the California beaches seem so white. There’s not a Mexican in sight. Today you go to the Santa Monica beach … Continue reading

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Book Review: The Israel Lobby

Daniel Levy writes from Israel: I have not commented thus far on the publication of the Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer book on the Israel lobby. The reason is simple – I agreed to review the book for Haaretz and … Continue reading

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