Category Archives: Israel

It Is Good To Kill Your Enemies

Brad in Jerusalem posts to FB: On Rosh Hashanah night, many Jews around the world partake in the simanei milsa or “good omens” for the coming year. One of these good omens is “May it be G-d’s will that our … Continue reading

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Will Breaking Up The Arab States Make Israel More Secure?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Israel is better off with stable autocracies as neighbors. With the brief exception of Saddam’s Scud missiles in ’91, Arab nations qua nations haven’t posed a military threat to Israel in 42 years. Israel’s military … Continue reading

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If Jews Can’t Travel To Many Muslim Countries, Why Should Western Countries Allow In Muslims?

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. It does not terribly bother me that Jews aren’t welcome in Saudi Arabia and about 15 other Muslim countries. We Jews should return the favor to Muslims and advocate restrictions … Continue reading

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LAT: Two Jews slain in Jerusalem’s Old City amid stepped-up violence

There will never be peace in Israel as long as Jews and Muslims live next to each other. An Israel with no Muslims in it would be a safer and happier place for Jews just as an America free of … Continue reading

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David Bernstein: “Mondoweiss” is a hate site

Anyone who hurls slurs like “hate site” immediately loses the argument. Once you call your opponent a Nazi (when that is not accurate), you lose, and this is effectively what David Bernstein is doing here. People who use the slur … Continue reading

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