Category Archives: Israel

Paul Singer – A Mini George Soros In The Making

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We have an up-and-coming Mini Soros getting involved in the Republican primary. Sources have stated that internationalist Paul Singer is the new billionaire benefactor for Marco Rubio. has mentioned that Singer is an open … Continue reading

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George Soros Is Bad News For Israel

If you are on the left, you usually believe that racial, ethnic and religious differences are unimportant compared to social and economic differences. So leftists generally despise ethno-states such as Israel. If you identify more with the left than with … Continue reading

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America & Europe Should Learn From Israel On How To Handle Infiltrators

From the New York Times: Israel’s policy toward African asylum seekers is to pressure them to self-deport or, as the former interior minister Eli Yishai put it, to “make their lives miserable” until they give up and let the government … Continue reading

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IDF warns soldiers: Beware of CIA recruitment

I guess turnabout is fair play. Different groups, different nations, have different interests. Israel spies on America, America spies on Israel. I still can’t stop hating what Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard did to America (stole its nuclear secrets, gave them … Continue reading

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Jewish pickup lines I learned on Twitter

Adapted from Twitter: * Hey baby, nice verbal IQ! * You can hide in my attic any day of the week! * I’ll spin your dreidel! * You raise my interest rate!

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