Category Archives: Israel

WP: The response to an Israeli official’s ban on a Jewish-Arab love story? A video of Jews and Arabs kissing

Jews interested in the health of the Jewish people don’t want Jews dating and marrying non-Jews. That’s Identity 101. Washington Post: JERUSALEM – How have Tel Aviv’s young liberals responded to a decision by Israel’s conservative, right-wing education minister to … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Russian Adventuresses (with family in Israel) and the Farooks

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What strikes me as very unusual is that a Russian immigrant with family ties to Israel would hook up with a Pakistani Muslim. That deserves a closer investigation. * USA as flophouse/shopping mall. Ask a … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Chernykh Sisters of San Bernardino Terrorism Penumbra Are Likely Subbotniks

Steve Sailer writes: As Raymond Chandler’s detective novels pointed out, spectacular murders give outsiders an excuse to snoop around in corners of society that may not have anything directly to do with the murder, but don’t otherwise get much attention. … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Book Ban: Israel’s New Mainstreaming of Racial Separation

Racial separation is the most natural thing in the world. It’s a common theme throughout Torah — separating Jews from Gentiles, kosher food from trafe food, holiness from impurity, sacred time from secular time, adults from children, men from women. … Continue reading

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Salon: Donald Trump cites Israel’s illegal separation wall to justify banning Muslims

Ben Norton writes: Far-right Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has exploited anti-Muslim prejudice in order to appeal to American voters. In December, citing a debunked study by an extremist right-wing think tank, Trump called for banning all Muslims from entering … Continue reading

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