Category Archives: Israel

Can Jews Be Trusted?

Most Jews I know would say no, Jews cannot be trusted, no group can be trusted, only individuals can be trusted, but if non-Jews say the same thing, they’re anti-semitic and must be destroyed. In other words, the label “anti-semite” … Continue reading

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Israel Not Messing With Islamic State

From the Washington Post: The Israelis don’t want to disturb a hornet’s nest in taking on the Islamic State. Is a similarly measured option available to the United States? Most Israeli officials say no. They argue that the United States … Continue reading

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Haaretz’s Owner Proves Paper Has an Anti-Israel Political Agenda

Israel’s press is usually far more critical of Israel than America’s press. European news coverage of Israel is more similar to Israel’s news coverage of Israel than it is to America’s news coverage. Israelis are realists, Americans tend to have … Continue reading

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Feiglin: Europe inviting Muslim savages to rape it

Gil Ronen writes from Israel: Ex-MK Moshe Feiglin, who heads the Zehut party, thinks the large scale New Years’ Eve sexual attacks by Muslims in Europe are part of a much larger cultural upheaval. The simultaneous attacks, he said, were … Continue reading

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Egyptian therapist: Jews most sexually perverse ever

The funny thing is there is something to what she is saying. The 1994 University of Chicago sex survey of America found that Jews had more sex than any other religious group. Jews also tend to be more blunt and … Continue reading

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