Category Archives: Israel

Israel’s Triumph Of The Will

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The choice of Hebrew was quite conscious and it had nothing to do with practical considerations. The Zionist pioneers had to reconstruct a nation from the ground up and somehow re-connect themselves to this land … Continue reading

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Terror Attack In Tel Aviv

Israeli resident Brad Salzman posts on FB: A terror attack in Tel Aviv last night wounded 20 Jews and killed 4. Not looking forward to all the sadface hashtags and FB posts whining about how Israel is a victim and … Continue reading

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Black Americans and Israel

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: In an atmosphere of growing racial tension and facing up to pockets of racism within our own community, it is great to see some people doing something about both problems. No strangers to creating kiddush Hashem, … Continue reading

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Touring Israel With The Museum of the Bible (MOTB)

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: An Orthodox young woman who works for MOTB argued that the greatest change she has seen in a decade is that Israelis have learned how to do a traffic merge – quite a change from the … Continue reading

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LAT: Bernie Sanders moves toward a fight over Israel, forcing Hillary Clinton to navigate a splintered party

Los Angeles Times: “A large majority of Americans strongly support Israel, according to polls, but the Democratic Party is increasingly torn over some of the actions of the Israeli government and how much sympathy to accord the plight of Palestinians.” … Continue reading

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