Category Archives: Israel

Who Can You Trust?

All of the American nuclear scientists who gave secrets to Stalin were Jews. On the other hand, without Jewish scientists, America might not have had the bomb first. Stalin’s hard turn against the Jews after WWII seems to fit historical … Continue reading

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Forward: Israelis and Palestinians Could Make Peace Tomorrow If Not for This Misperception

J.J. Goldberg is my favorite writer on the Jewish Left. He writes today: “Given the level of mistrust between Israelis and Palestinians, the hurdle seems almost insurmountable. Fully 60% of Israeli Jews believe that the “long-term aspiration of the Palestinians” … Continue reading

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Video of Cory Booker (D-NJ) Dancing with Shmuley Boteach on His Back in a Clown Suit

It’s naive to expect that Jews and blacks will have a lot in common. They are about as different as two peoples can be. Sure, at times, they are both cooperating members of the Coalition of the Fringe and have … Continue reading

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Justice For Palestinians

I don’t place much faith in worldly justice for any group. Instead, you get what you can. All groups are competing for scarce resources. Those who are the most fit perpetuate themselves and those who don’t adapt die. From a … Continue reading

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How a casino tycoon is trying to combat an exploding pro-Palestinian movement on campuses

Different groups have different interests. I see nothing diabolical in being pro or anti-Israel, pro or anti Islam, pro or anti-Jewish, black, gay, etc. American college campuses are not moral sewers because they are more anti-Israel than other parts of … Continue reading

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