Category Archives: Israel

Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return

ESSAY: The Israeli State recently announced that it may begin to use genetic tests to determine whether potential immigrants are Jewish or not. This development would demand a rethinking of Israeli law on the issue of the definition of Jewishness. … Continue reading

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IDF’s chief rabbi-to-be permits raping women in wartime

YNET: Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim, who was announced on Monday as the IDF’s intended new chief rabbi, has provoked controversy with previous misogynistic statements, such as opposing female conscription and implying that rape was permissible in times of war. The … Continue reading

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“Blacks are Cursed”—Top Israeli Rabbi

New Observer: One of Israel’s most senior rabbis who sits on that country’s supreme rabbinical policy-making council has announced that Africans are “cursed” because they have black skin. Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein sits on the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (the “Council of … Continue reading

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Disinformation About 2008 Georgia-Russia War

Steve Sailer writes: Would the New York Times blithely report “preventing Arab nationalism is a centerpiece of the foreign policy of Israel, which invaded Egypt and Syria in October 1973 largely to forestall that possibility”? Or would the editors reject … Continue reading

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Will too many Israeli children lead to demographic disaster?

Isn’t it the quality of the children that matters? If they are high IQ (over 115), then they will be a blessing to the nation. If they have IQs under 100, they will be a curse to the Jewish state. … Continue reading

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